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Epic Jewelery


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There are 6 levels of Epic Jewelry available in the world of War Of Souls.


Let's divide farming into 2 stages, these are:

  • You can get the first two levels of epic jewelry in a solo game without any problems.
  • And the second two levels at which you will have to gather a group/clan to fight the opposition to kill the Legendary Bosses!


Required items for upgrading jewelry to levels 3, 4, 5 and 6:

  • Essence of the Legendary Boss you need. Possibly obtained from Legendary Bosses, Peaceful Legendary Bosses, and with a small chance from the Fafurion boss.

  • Part of Epic. Epic pieces drop from all Legendary Bosses from 50 to 200 pieces, as well as the opportunity to break level 1 and 2 jewelry on the “Crystal Island” from Blacksmith Pushkin.





In turn, the “Crystal”, as we see in the screenshots, can be obtained by exchanging with the “Crystal Shard”, which drops on the “Crystal Island” from all mobs with a 30% chance.

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